Leadership Team

Working to provide quality food, a family friendly environment, and superior customer service while helping their community has been their core mission for over 35 years.

Welburn Management seeks to operate an innovative and efficient quick-service restaurant management company that exceeds the highest standards of excellence.
A family owned business with over 40 years operating
McDonalds' restaurants in multiple states
Customer service, community service and service to those who have worked hard to represent the company in a positive light are the heart of our organization.
We constantly seek to utilize the most up to date technology in order to enhance our customers’ experience in our restaurants.
We take great pride in doing the right thing while operating our business, whether it is for our employees, customers, vendors or partners.
We are an organization that thrives on creativity by sharing knowledge, learning and by the intersection of common goals.
We work tirelessly to improve. We desire to grow strategically, without compromising our high standards and values.

Our History
Since 1983, Craig and Diane Welburn and their family have owned and operated McDonald’s family restaurants.
Getting Started with McDonald’s
Craig and Diane Welburn, after careers at New Jersey Bell Telephone company and special education respectively, wanted to pursue their own business. They wanted to control their own destiny and sought after the best business model they could. The McDonald’s company, founded by Ray Kroc in 1955, fit all of their wishes. It was the number one restaurant in the world. After Craig’s acceptance in McDonald’s registered applicant program, the Welburn’s proceeded to work hard to save for their ownership goal. After four years of frugality and hard work their dream came true.
Growing the Business
Welburn Management began May 23rd 1983 when Craig and Diane Welburn accepted the challenge and opened their first McDonalds at 2nd and Lehigh in Philadelphia, Pa. Little did they know that that venture would far exceed its projections. During their tenure in the Philadelphia area they amassed eight restaurants in Philadelphia, New Jersey and Delaware. The success of their business lead to the purchase of twenty five restaurants in Maryland, Northern Virginia and the Washington DC area in 2001.
Family Owned and Family Run
Welburn Management now encompasses a company that includes 45 family restaurants. Four of their children are now owner operators. Each person in their family performs a critical function to the success of the business. The Welburn’s currently employ over 1500 employees. They are instrumental in developing a business team that is focused on its customers and delivering outstanding levels of quality service and cleanliness in all of their restaurants.